Sunday, May 16, 2010

Iron Man 2 - ***+ out of ****

"Iron Man 2" isn't as good as the original, but when you compare it to the norm of its genre, it's pretty damn impressive. The CGI is Oscar-worthy, the two villains are comical and scary (Sam Rockwell as the comical making a very nice transition from the mind-bending "Moon," Mickey Rourke coming off of "The Wrestler" with an acting professionalism), we get a great sidekick out of Natalie Rushman (Scarlett Johansson channeling some of her brilliant character in the masterpiece that is "Lost in Translation"), and perhaps most importantly, we get more Robert Downey, Jr. The post-rehab star is consistent in his focus on a wonderful character with comedic timing that caused fireworks with Tina Fey at this year's Oscars. I can't possibly get enough of this guy- "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang," "Zodiac," "Good Night and Good Luck," "Tropic Thunder," "Iron Man," and of course his earlier roles such as playing Charlie Chapman in "Chapman" and as the sniveling weasel in the hilarious "Soapdish."

Now that I'm through name and film-dropping, I can sort of tell you about the plot. Tony Stark is even more of a celebrity (after appearing before Congress), but Ivan Vanko (Rourke) gets super-pissed because he believes Stark stole his father's idea, so he goes after him later with the help of Justin Hammer, a very nice comedic villain (delusions of grandeur mixed with some stupidity). Pepper Potts (Gweneth Paltrow, underused but still matching wits with Downey) receives an unprecedented promotion but one that seems necessary because...well, this is a summer blockbuster. Samuel L. Jackson and Scarlett Johansson (Nick Fury and Natalie Rushman/Black Widow) make brief appearances, but some viewers after were confused as to why exactly they were there. I figured it out after I started caring (after the movie). For the most part, I was just entertained.

Why exactly did I give this movie a higher than just 'great' review? I found everything to be thought out well, the movie to be entertaining, and I didn't feel talked down to or stupid after. Also, I absolutely love this particular cast and found fireworks brewing everywhere. Sure, the pacing was a little wacky and there wasn't the thrill of discovery present in the first "Iron Man," but you know exactly what you're getting into after seeing the first film. Sure, it's not as good as the original, but why split hairs? I had serious fun and would see it again and again.

Rated PG-13 for sequences of intense sci-fi and action and violence, and for language.
Check your local theater for's probably playing everywhere.

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